Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Purposeful Marriage

I'm back. It's been awhile with some things going on. But, here I am and praying God uses what I have to say to encourage someone else or even uplift them. 

To newly weds (when I was a newly wed) still in the honeymoon phase, this seems like such foolish advise. I mean as a newlywed, all you want to do is be with your spouse. And who would dream of going to bed without a kiss? I mean it’s new, you’re so “in love.” (Which is a feeling at this point.
Now, more then 8 years in, I understand that love is so much more then this uncontrollable “lust” for my husband. More then just wanting him close and never wishing to say goodbye or be out of his presence.
More then 8 yrs in, I realize how easy it is to crawl in bed next to one another at the end of the day and forget to kiss one another, or forget to say “I love you.” As the effects of the long day wash over you and you fall asleep.
Mad at one another? No! You just become so USED to one another that you take one another for granted!
Love becomes work! A purposeful choice to show love! Not just a “lustful” feeling of romance!

What are some ways that I can be purposeful in my "LOVE"?

#1- Meet your husband at the door with a kiss.

#2- Say "I love you" through out the day.

#3- Plan a weekly date night. (Even if it's just putting the kids to bed a bit early and enjoying some time in devotions, movie, or games.)

#4- Set aside a time to talk. Asking questions such as "what can I do to help you better?" "Is there anything I am or am not doing that you would like me to do?"

#5- Purposefully say "goodnight" And give a goodnight kiss each night. (Tomorrow is not promised. )

If you have more ideas, I'd love to hear them in the comments.

Bre Shafer

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