Monday, November 20, 2017

Vanilla Creamer Pancakes

We learned that Joshua does not like Meijer brand coffee creamer.  Well, I had a big container of it that I needed to use up.  And I was feeling a little but lazy, so instead of making my usual homemade pancake mix. I decided to throw a box of pancake mix in a bowl and mix it up with vanilla creamer in place of milk.
It turned out to look and smell like a cake mix. So, I decided to have fun with it. I threw some Christmas sprinkles in it and mixed it up. BOY was it pretty.
Since it looked so pretty and Christmassy, I pulled out my cookie cutters and thought I'd try putting them in a skillet and making Christmas shaped pancakes.
Again, They looked SO pretty.
But, I quickly ran into a little problem.  I started to smell something. When I went to flip them...... Anyone care to guess what I found?  If you guessed BLACK bottoms, you have guessed correctly.

Gone were my "pretty" Christmas pancakes. 
It was time to move to plan B.  Pull out the Mickey Mouse Cake pan. Of course I had no complaints from the littles.
FINALLY!!!!!!! Pancakes in cake form that turned out perfectly. 
Light and fluffy and delicious.

Vanilla Creamer Pancakes.


boxed pancake mix of your choice.
vanilla creamer

Mix up enough creamer to make a smooth batter.  Pour into a greased cake pan or cupcake tins.
Bake at 350 for 20-25 mins until tooth pick comes out clean.

Beef and Potato Hash

Today I tried my hand at hash using my leftover beef roast.  It was amazing. (Well, Amazing other than the amount of salt.) So, I am going to leave the salt out of this recipe.

Beef Roast Hash


3 potato's
1 onion
1 tsp garlic powder
3 cups of left over pot roast
2 cups of drippings from the meat
2 TBS flour
Olive oil

Dice potatoes and onions and pour olive oil (roughly 1-2 TBS) into a skillet.  Season the potatoes and onions with garlic powder.
Fry potatoes until almost just starting to soften.
Add in the roast, flour and drippings.
Cook the rest of the way through until roast in warm, drippings are gravy and potatoes are soft.


Saturday, November 18, 2017

Pumpkin Chip Oatmeal Cups

This one is a little bit more season themed. Although you can easily replace the pumpkin chips with anything you like.  I just wanted pumpkin. And YUMMY.


4 Cups old fashioned oats
1-1/2 tsp cinnamon
1tsp baking powder
1/4 Cup Coconut sugar (You can use brown sugar)
1/3 Cup Raw honey (You can use Maple Syrup)
2-1/3 C Almond milk
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup Pumpkin chips.

Preheat oven to 375
Mix all Ingredients together in a bowl.   Mixture will be watery.
Scoop into greased muffin tins (using an ice cream scoop)
Since it is watery, mix it between each scoop.
Bake for 20 minutes. 

These keep in the fridge up to 5 days and freezer up to 3 months.

One thing I did figure out. You CANNOT take these out of the tins while they are warm. They turn into a crumbly mess with no form. HAHA
Let them cool though and you have a lovely oatmeal cup.
This is delicious.

This recipe gets a 7-8 from me. I just think homemade granola no bake bars would be less hassle.
But, that's just me.

Bre Shafer

Homemade Potato Chips (Baked)

As promised, I'm gonna share with you a couple of recipes that I have tried today. And I'll share the good, bad and ugly. Take it or leave it.

I decided to try my hand at potato chips. Threw together my own recipe and gave it a whirl.  They turned out amazing.

2 potatoes
garlic powder
chili powder
black pepper
onion powder
extra virgin olive oil

First fill a bowl with cold water and put 2 tsp of salt and roughly 1tsp of garlic powder in the cold water.

Wash and slice the potatoes into thin slices and place in water.  Allow to soak for 10-15 minutes.
After you have allowed them to soak. Remove them and pat dry the potatoes.

Coat the cake pan with Olive oil and layer potato chips in the pan.  sprinkle all of the seasoning on the potato's according to taste. You only want to use a little bit of chili powder. (You could use red pepper as well.)
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Bake for 30 mins on one side. After 30 minutes are up, flip the chips. And bake for another 30 minutes.  (Keep an eye on them. You don't want them getting to crunchy.)
The finished product should be slightly crunchy. Or more like a French fry texture depending on how long you leave them in the oven.

I have absolutely NO complaints with these. In fact, the kiddos and hubby have completely finished them off already. 
Clearly they were a hit. And I know all of the ingredients and feel completely fine with feeding my family these potato chips.

This recipe gets a 10 from our house.

Bre Shafer

Friday, November 3, 2017

To Tithe Or Not To Tithe

That is the question....
I took part in a conversation today about whether or not one should tithe. The general consensus among "Christian " woman took me completely off guard.  You see, 9 out of 10 ladies were of the mindset "If you can't give cheerfully, just don't give at all." Or "I only give 2% because I can't give anymore and still be cheerful." WOW! What happened to asking what the Bible says about this? 
I am going to take a few minutes and share some verses with you, and some thoughts.
I will say right now that this is NOT a prosperity thing. It's not a give and get rich scheme.

First, I want to look at the meaning of the word itself.

Miriam Webster Dictionary defines it as "a tenth part of something paid as a voluntary contribution or as a tax especially for the support of a religious establishment"  

So, the word in and of itself actually means  10%.  And the word Tithe or tithes is used in the Bible on several occasions.
The first one that comes to mind is Malachi 3:8-10
" (8) Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. (9) Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. (10) Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."

What is God saying here? To keep It short, He's saying exactly what it looks like. Tithe and be blessed, don't tithe and you may be blessed, but you won't be ABUNDANTLY blessed like you could be.  And face it, who doesn't want to be blessed?

This past week we had a little mishap with our budget. I overdrafted our bank account because of a lack of budgeting. When our paycheck rolled in last Friday I sat down and budgeted everything again. Including our tithes. Our tithes and offerings ended up being greater than $200 and by the time that was budgeted and bills were paid, we were left with $40 for 2 weeks. $40 to buy laundry soap, Toilet Paper, Diapers and groceries.  I fought within myself for the greater part of the day about skipping the tithe check this week. After all, God knew the situation and I had to feed the children.  In the end, about 6pm I caved and wrote the tithe check. ($215 to be exact) Sure, I could have gotten away with $190 going in and still would have been our 10%. But, I decided to not withhold our tithes and offerings and keep the budget at what we had planned before the mistake. (Yes, I handle the finances)   After all, Why should God and His church have to suffer for a mistake I made in budgeting? Now, I can't say I did this cheerfully. In fact, I did it stressed, lacking faith and grumbling. (Not biblical at all, and so not proud of my attitude.) Within an hour God had provided $160 and a box of diapers. 
Did you read that? GOD PROVIDED even in the midst of my grumbling and distrust.  Do you have any idea how humbling that is? To kneel before a Holy God who proved Himself even though you doubted?  All of the sudden my children could eat good. Not just the fried potatoes and canned chicken and bean soup for 2 weeks.  I can't even take any credit for that. Instead ALL glory goes to God. 
We limit God so much with our refusal to tithe. (I should add that we are rather new to tithing. This isn't something we have been doing for years and just now seeing the fruits. )  Excuses of "I won't have anything left afterwards." Or "My children have to eat." All may very well be valid reasons to not tithe. But, why do we think that God can't move through our problems? Why do we doubt? 
I can say from experience that it's nothing but selfish reasons.  So many "I's" And the biggest one being "I can't" for whatever reason.
Although God loves a cheerful giver, That should never be our excuse to not tithe.  Sometimes being cheerful comes later. Comes after the action has become habit.  Your attitude should be one of faith. Work on the cheerfulness. If Satan knows you are going to use that as an excuse, of course he is going to step in and hinder that cheerfulness. It's a purposeful decision that needs to be made by YOU. Not your neighbor, Pastor or friend. YOU.

Should you tithe? YES! With or without a cheerful attitude. Although I suggest working on that attitude. But, obedience is best no matter how its done. I mean, we teach our children that too. Obey without question. Right? It's their safety net.
Does this mean you will never experience trials? NO. Does this mean your budget will never be tight? No.
But it does mean that God will take care of His own.

This is not very well written. But, I hope y'all get the point of what I'm trying to get across.

Have a blessed evening all of you. And thank you for taking the time to read yet another post.

Bre Shafer

Thursday, November 2, 2017


Guys, WE HAVE HIT 1100 viewers for our blog. And it's still climbing.  Because it's all you guys making that possible. I want to do a give away.
What am I giving away????
How about that? $5 gift card to amazon.


#1- Leave a comment below.
#2- join our Facebook group

Each of those will earn you 1 entry. I will be doing a random drawing on Friday November 10th.
So, get your friends involved too.

Bre Shafer

What Is Smith Magenis Syndrome?

November is Smith Magenis Syndrome Awareness Month. Actually the 17th is SMS awareness day.
For those of us living with It in one form or another, EVERYDAY is SMS awareness day. 
I want to take a few minutes and try to inform others as to what it is. Not just from my view point. But, from other sources as well.

In 2014 my daughter (Leah Rose) was diagnosed with Smith Magenis Syndrome after almost 2 years of being tossed from specialist to specialist. Cancer scares, feeding issues and so much more.... 

Smith Magenis Syndrome is a deletion in a specific region of the  17th chromosome. Although Chromosome 17 contains many different genes, it's a specific gene called RAI1 that is missing. Either fully or partially.  That one gene makes a world of difference.
To quote

"Most people with SMS have a deletion of genetic material in each cell from a specific region of Chromosome 17. Although this region contains multiple genes, researchers believe that the loss of one particular gene, RAI1, is responsible for most of these cases...."

SMS is more than just a behavioral syndrome. Although behavior is a huge part of what this gene does. 
It is classified as a "developmental Disorder" that effects many parts of the body. states

" Smith Magenis Syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects many parts of the body. The major features of this condition include mile to moderate intellectual disability, delayed speech and language skills, distinctive facial features, sleep disturbances, and behavioral problems.
Most people with Smith Magenis Syndrome have a broad, square-shaped face with deep-set eyes, full cheeks, and a prominent lower jaw. The middle of the face and the bridge of the nose often appear flattened. The mouth tends to turn downward with a full, outward-curving upper lip. These facial differences can be subtle in early childhood, but they usually become more distinctive in later childhood and adulthood. Dental abnormalities are also common in affected individuals. "
Leah was nonverbal until the age of 3.5 yrs old.  She is now 5 years old and way more fluent in sign language than she is in English. Although she is getting much better. She struggles with her memory, and with school. In fact she is in her second year of preschool instead of kindergarten. She can't write her name, still struggles with feeding herself..... As the years go by these things slowly improve, but other cognitive things are becoming harder for her.  You can see most of the described facial features in her picture above.
She's clearly the sweetest, most beautiful girl I've ever seen. (I suppose I may be partial to that tho.)
Smith Magenis Syndrome doesn't just affect cognitive abilities. It affects many other parts of the body.
Causes self harm and much aggression. Her poor little mind seems to attack itself. At an early age she started head banging. Although many children go through a phase of head banging. This was far more severe and we knew that something was wrong. Most children will stop head banging when it starts to hurt. This poor girl would head bang until she was bruised, bleeding and still wouldn't even cry. 
She's always been a thumb sucker and she started ripping her nails out (Completely ripping them out) at about a year old. Even that didn't seem to hurt her. She would only start crying when she saw blood dripping down her hand. 
Eventually the aggression started. On her bad days she'd pick lamps up, toys up and toss them at whoever was closest, she'd randomly walk up to someone and start clobbering them. 
In 2015 she held her brothers (Almost 11 months younger than herself) head under water while beating him.  I had only turned around to grab a towel out of the cupboard. 
Leah isn't a strange case. Situations like this are well documented in children or individuals with SMS.

"Children and adults typically have inattention, distractibility, hyperactivity, impulsivity, maladaptive behaviors including frequent outbursts/temper tantrums, attention seeking, disobedience, aggression, toileting difficulties, and self-injurious behaviors. (SIB) including self-hitting, self-biting, and/or skin picking, inserting foreign objects into body orifices (Polyembolokoilamania) and yanking fingernails and/or toenails (onychotillomania). Among the stereotypical behaviors described, the spasmodic upper-body squeeze or "self-hug" seems to be highly associated with SMS. The finger lick and page flipping ("lick and flip") behavior may be less prevalent than initially reported. And underlying developmental asynchrony, specifically between intellectual functioning and emotional maturity, may also contribute to maladaptive behaviors in people with SMS."

Leah also struggles with feeding issues, weight gain, severe congenital scoliosis and sleep issues.
She has an inverted circadian rhythm. She has FTT (failure to thrive) and she's had 18 surgeries to correct scoliosis. She continues to need surgery every 5-6 months to lengthen the VEPTR that is inside her back.

"Common symptoms include, distinctive facial features, skeletal malformations,...... Sleep disturbances, and self-injurious behaviors." 

As you can see, SMS is very complex. My one post can't even begin to describe what my Leah goes through on a daily basis.
I have to end this for now. But, I really hope that this has been informative.

Following are some links that you can research more about SMS if you so choose.

Chromosome disorder outreach, inc.

Prisms (Parents and Researchers interested in Smith magenis Syndrome)

Smith-Magenis Syndrome Foundation

Genetic and rare diseases information center (GARD)

The Arc

Thank you for making the time to read this. Please share it with others and help us get the word out!

Bre Shafer