Today, I want to want to start in Proverbs 31. Perhaps the most well known passage to Christian ladies. But, the least understood passage alike. I am not going to claim to understand this passage any more than the next person. However, I am going to go on a journey to understand this passage one verse at a time and I invite you to join me on this journey.
"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."
What does Virtuous mean? Strong's concordance sums it up as "good morals or Strength." In other words, we as the "Weaker Vessel" are supposed to be Strong with good morals. Strong in our faith with good character and set in what we believe. (There are many other definitions and I encourage you to dig deeper.)
I think we all have a pretty good picture of what "Virtue" is. And that idea in our head will continue to grow as we continue our search through the chapter.
What I really want to focus on here is the last portion of the verse.
"For her price is far above rubies." What does that mean to you?
I think most of us, if we stopped to think about it, would stand in awe. Right? I mean, really stop and think about the power of those words. We as women have fought to have as many rights as man has. We've fought to be able to work, to join the military, to vote, to wear what the men wear. You name it, if a guy can do it. A woman can now do it too.
What started that? A woman who thought she had no worth. A woman who wasn't happy in her home, doing what God intended her to do. She felt worthless no doubt. (Granted we don't know if she was saved. And that plays a huge role. ) Ultimately I am not talking about her. I am trying to make you think about YOU.
A great majority of women today are unhappy with themselves and feel as if they are not doing enough. We tend to feel like we are failing at life because we are always "stuck at home". Doing nothing but talking to babies all day or changing diapers.
Did you know that according to the ADAA (Anxiety and Depression Association of America) in August of 2016. Anxiety disorders were affecting 40 million Americans (which is roughly 18% of the population) and women are TWICE as likely to suffer from anxiety and depression disorders then men are? And those are only the reported cases. I can't tell you how many ladies I know who are afraid to see a doctor because of the stigma that goes a long with it.
Do you really think that is how God intended it? Do you really think God intended for us to be so depressed and upset with our daily duties that we just feel like we can't go on?
Society has made us feel like our place is no longer in the home. Those of us who do stay at home and take care of our families are made to feel like we are brow beaten wives of slave driving husbands. And often we let that get to our heads. The shows on television are no help. Often portraying the husbands as idiots or slave drivers.
Ladies, may I remind you that YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH MORE THAN WHAT THIS WORLD SAYS YOU ARE. You have got to pick yourself up and start over. Pull yourself up out of your slump and throw yourself at the feet of Jesus.
You have to remember Psalm 16:8
"I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."
Who are you serving? This isn't the worlds house. You are serving in Gods house. This little (or large) dwelling place here on earth is Gods house. Every little thing you do is for God. Even if it seems like you are alone and everything goes unseen. You still serve a risen Savior who sees every step you take and every item of clothing you fold, every diaper you change, every dirty dish you wash. He see's it all.
Dear sister in Christ let me remind you of your worth. You truly are worth more than great riches here on earth. You can't be paid here on earth with cash, or coins. Their wouldn't be enough to meet your worth.
Smile, look up and not down. You have no reason to be ashamed. When someone asks what you do, look them proudly in the eye and tell them "I am a stay at home wife/mom." You've earned that title. God gave you that title. You have no reason to bow your head in shame because the world ridicules you. They are the ones that should be ashamed not you. Let them look on in awe as you serve your family and our God.
Philippians 4:6-7
"Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God which passeth all understanding , shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. "
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