Do you have a time set aside to focus on spending time with God?
For me, that time is after I get both children laid down for naps. About the only time I can enjoy the silence and concentrate on time in His word.
Today, I was doing just that. Reading in the book of Hosea. A book that isn't that common to read. In fact, even I have a hard time finding it when the Preacher says "Turn to Hosea... For our Bible reading this morning/evening." And I can't say that's something I am proud of at all.... But, here I am on a rabbit trail....
Anyway, the book of Hosea is about the sins and filth of Israel (Gods People).. How they had taken to sins that were horrible even in today's day and age. (Hard to believe I know.) Chapter 4:6 says
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I also will reject thee....."
We see there that He IS talking about HIS people. Not the heathen. But, His people ISRAEL.
That becomes important in just a moment. Also notice, that they lacked knowledge in the first part of that verse. But, why did they lack knowledge? It, wasn't because they hadn't been taught right from wrong. It wasn't because they didn't have the mental ability to understand and receive that knowledge. Was it? NO.
If you read a few verses before that. Verse 4 talks about how they are as people that strive against priests. YIKES. That in and of itself is very dangerous.
But the reason they lacked knowledge was because they HAD been taught right from wrong and they shut their eyes and ears. They REJECTED it. They refused to hear it. Wanted nothing to do with the ways of God.
Verse 6 is hardly the verse that stuck out to me. Although it has such deep meaning in and of itself.
Chapter 4:10 is the one that got me.
"For they shall eat, and not have enough: they shall commit whoredom, and shall not increase: because they have left off to take heed to the Lord."
I found it interesting to note the contrast between Psalm 37:25
"I have been young and now am old; yet have I not seen the RIGHTEOUS forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." (Emphasis mine) And Hosea 4:10.
Both Passages are clearly speaking of God's people. The Psalmist is speaking of the child of God who is living in close fellowship with God. (Living Righteously) God Takes care of those living for Him.
In Hosea sin has taken over. (by choice of each individual) God who cannot even look on sin has turned His back on His children. (Take note that nowhere in this passage does God DISOWN His people. Turning ones back, punishing is far different than disowning)
By choosing sin Gods people have cut off the hand that supplied all of their needs. Emotional, Spiritual and Physical.
Too many people take Psalm 37:25 and use it as a crutch. Like we tend to do with a lot of scripture. We take out the word "righteous" (Well, we may say it. But, it really has no meaning) We expect God to meet all of our needs in every area just because we are His child. Just because we are a born again Christian.
In reality, nobody can live however they want and get away with it. There will always be consequences.
How do you restore that relationship with Christ when you are already a born again Christian?
There is but one way. Turn from your wicked way. REPENT of that sin that doth so easily beset you.
simply praying and asking for the desire for that sin to be taken from you, isn't enough. It doesn't work that way. Certainly prayer helps. But, you have to make the first step. You yourself need to turn. Throw the cigs away, the porn away, ditch the drugs, pour the liquor down the drain, move out of the house that you are living in with your boyfriend/girlfriend until you are married......
Any sin can be overcome. And yes, I mean addiction, alcoholism, porn... No matter how big the sin. You can repent and be forgiven. That relationship needs to be nurtured and restored daily and sometimes on a minute to minute basis. YOU CAN BE FORGIVEN AND YOU CAN HAVE THAT SWEET RELATIONSHIP AND WALK WITH JESUS CHRIST!
Maybe this was just a little bit of a DUH moment for me. But, I'd never seen this passage and it spoke to me. I just wanted to take a few moments and share what I had learned.
"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us."
Hebrews 12:1
Bre Shafer
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