Monday, August 14, 2017

"Can I Be Trusted?" (The Godly Wife. Pt 3)

"The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. "
Proverbs 31:11-12

What do you think of when you read those verses? There are certainly a lot of possibilities when it comes to trust.
I am sure that there are no right or wrong answers. In fact, a lot depends on certain circumstances within each couples marriage. (Within biblical principals of course)
With each generation, certain things have become more and more of an issues. What was once kept behind closed bedroom doors is now publically displayed in the way we dress and the way we speak outside of the bedroom.
What was once only conversation for ones husband (Okay and the gossips of the town) now has a much broader platform. THANK YOU SOCIAL MEDIA.
I'm not going to harp on any one of these issues as being "wrong" in and of themselves. As, I believe that everything has it's time and purpose. I do however want to ask you one question.....
Can you be trusted? Not just on the outside. Not just for a few minutes.... Can you truly be trusted by your husband.  Forget your girlfriends, your children, your Sunday School class. Ask yourself that one question while placing yourself in your husbands shoes as we continue through this for the next few minutes.

When my husband and I were first married, I was very hot tempered. If he said something I didn't like, There was one place I took everything.... FACEBOOK.  Every time we had a disagreement, he had to work one of his long 7 days a week, 12 hr shifts. Literally anything he did that I didn't like. (Same things he did that I doted over when we were dating.) Went on Facebook.
Eventually it started to drive a little wedge into our marriage.  He'd stop talking to me. Wouldn't tell me how his day was at work, spent most of his days in the garage...... And again I found comfort in Facebook and other sources.
This went on for almost 2 years. A vicious cycle.. 
Why? I had easy access to Facebook. I prioritized social media over my marriage and my husband.  Why did my husband stop talking to me? Because he could no longer trust me.
If I stopped for a moment and placed myself in his shoes, I wouldn't have trusted him either. I wouldn't have wanted to tell him anything I thought, did or even dreamed. Why would I tell him my future goals. I mean.. If something that was only meant for his ears was potentially going to end up in front of a whole audience of strangers just because he was "bothered" with me..
Is that a problem for you?
I know it is for many, many ladies. We fall into the trap of "nobody to talk to" and grasp at straws hoping that someone will listen on social media.
The problem is, someone always is listening, watching... Your husband is.
Are you raising him up? Or, are you tearing him down by posting every little issue on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or whatever other social media platform is there?  Are you tearing him down to your friends and neighbors?
Even if your husband isn't seeing or listening, God is.  Who's getting the glory in what you are saying and doing each day?

I know there certainly wasn't much scripture here. But, when I read these 2 verses the rough patch that my husband and I went through because of my foolish desire for approval from people who do not matter.
In so doing almost costing me my marriage.
Please, don't make the mistake that I made. 
Strive to have the heart of your husband safely trusting you in all that you do.  It's work. But, God wouldn't have it in there if it was impossible. 

"But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26

Bre Shafer

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