Wednesday, August 30, 2017

"Blessed Inspite Of This Worlds Pain"

Recently, we received news that didn't fit into the picture that we had planned out for our future.  Just like many times in the past, we were told that there is a possibility of another diagnoses for our daughter looming over our head.  After each diagnoses I always say "I can't take any more. But, Gods grace is sufficient for this one."  Last nights news hit me hard, I won't lie. I won't pretend to be the "Ever Godly, ever strong, super mom" that is easy to come across as on social media.
Many tears were shed, and emotions were high. So many "What ifs?" And other questions...
But, as I lay in bed last night I got to thinking about Job and how much he lost. How blessed I am to get to raise my children, have a roof above my head and food in my cupboards.
Job lost EVERYTHING. And I mean everything. His friends, his children, his wife, his cattle and everything. 
I'm sure he would have done anything for one more day with any of his children. No matter what. Whether they had a diagnoses that wasn't expected.

There is so much in life that is unexpected.  Yet, we are blessed beyond measure.
We often look at the negative in life. Fail to look at the positive. 
How much better off we would be if we made a list of all of the blessings each and every day and focused on those, instead of focusing on the negatives.

One of my favorite songs below.

I Have Been Blessed
1.Whe He moves among us all that He does , all of His mercy and all of His Love.
And the pen of the writher could write everyday,even this world could never contain how
i have been blessed.
2.The warmth in the winter, the flowers in Spring, the laughter in Summner, and the
changing leavesl
I have been blessed, God
s so good to me. Precious are His thoughts of you and me. No way I could count them, there's not enough time. So I'll just thank Him for being so kind. God has been good, so good. I have been blessed.
3.Arms that will raise, a voice that can talk, hands that can touch and legs that can walk,
ears that can listen, eyes that can see. Oh, I've got to praise Him as long as I breathe, I have been blessed.
4.I have been blessed, God's so good to me, precious are His thoughts of you and me.
No way I oculd cound them, there's not enough time. So, I'll just thank Him for being so kind. God has been so good, I have been blessed.
5.We live in a country, the greatest on earth. Our flag stands for freedom, and what it is worth. She stands in the harbor, Miss Liberty calls. All have gave some, but some gave all. For me to be blessed
6.He's my shoulder to lean on when I'm down. The rock where He leads me when I'm overwhelmed. The place where He hides me under His wings. He's not just a song. Hi's the reason I sing. I have been blessed

Bre Shafer

Thursday, August 17, 2017

"Musings From My Time Away With God." Hosea 4

Do you have a time set aside to focus on spending time with God?
For me, that time is after I get both children laid down for naps. About the only time I can enjoy the silence and concentrate on time in His word.
Today, I was doing just that. Reading in the book of Hosea. A book that isn't that common to read. In fact, even I have a hard time finding it when the Preacher says "Turn to Hosea... For our Bible reading this morning/evening." And I can't say that's something I am proud of at all.... But, here I am on a rabbit trail....
Anyway, the book of Hosea is about the sins and filth of Israel (Gods People).. How they had taken to sins that were horrible even in today's day and age. (Hard to believe I know.)  Chapter 4:6 says
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I also will reject thee....."
We see there that He IS talking about HIS people. Not the heathen. But, His people ISRAEL.
That becomes important in just a moment.  Also notice, that they lacked knowledge in the first part of that verse. But, why did they lack knowledge?  It, wasn't because they hadn't been taught right from wrong.  It wasn't because they didn't have the mental ability to understand and receive that knowledge. Was it? NO.
If you read a few verses before that. Verse 4 talks about how they are as people that strive against priests. YIKES. That in and of itself is very dangerous. 
But the reason they lacked knowledge was because they HAD been taught right from wrong and they shut their eyes and ears. They REJECTED it. They refused to hear it. Wanted nothing to do with the ways of God. 
Verse 6 is hardly the verse that stuck out to me. Although it has such deep meaning in and of itself.
Chapter 4:10 is the one that got me.
"For they shall eat, and not have enough: they shall commit whoredom, and shall not increase: because they have left off to take heed to the Lord."
I found it interesting to note the contrast between Psalm 37:25
"I have been young and now am old; yet have I not seen the RIGHTEOUS forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." (Emphasis mine) And Hosea 4:10.
Both Passages are clearly speaking of God's people. The Psalmist is speaking of the child of God who is living in close fellowship with God. (Living Righteously) God Takes care of those living for Him.
In Hosea sin has taken over. (by choice of each individual) God who cannot even look on sin has turned His back on His children. (Take note that nowhere in this passage does God DISOWN His people. Turning ones back, punishing is far different than disowning) 
By choosing sin Gods people have cut off the hand that supplied all of their needs. Emotional, Spiritual and Physical. 
Too many people take Psalm 37:25 and use it as a crutch. Like we tend to do with a lot of scripture. We take out the word "righteous" (Well, we may say it. But, it really has no meaning) We expect God to meet all of our needs in every area just because we are His child. Just because we are a born again Christian.
In reality, nobody can live however they want and get away with it. There will always be consequences.  
How do you restore that relationship with Christ when you are already a born again Christian?
There is but one way. Turn from your wicked way. REPENT of that sin that doth so easily beset you.
simply praying and asking for the desire for that sin to be taken from you, isn't enough. It doesn't work that way. Certainly prayer helps. But, you have to make the first step. You yourself need to turn. Throw the cigs away, the porn away, ditch the drugs, pour the liquor down the drain, move out of the house that you are living in with your boyfriend/girlfriend until you are married......
Any sin can be overcome. And yes, I mean addiction, alcoholism, porn... No matter how big the sin. You can repent and be forgiven. That relationship needs to be nurtured and restored daily and sometimes on a minute to minute basis.  YOU CAN BE FORGIVEN AND YOU CAN HAVE THAT SWEET RELATIONSHIP AND WALK WITH JESUS CHRIST!

Maybe this was just a little bit of a DUH moment for me. But, I'd never seen this passage and it spoke to me. I just wanted to take a few moments and share what I had learned.

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us."
Hebrews 12:1

Bre Shafer

Monday, August 14, 2017

"Can I Be Trusted?" (The Godly Wife. Pt 3)

"The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. "
Proverbs 31:11-12

What do you think of when you read those verses? There are certainly a lot of possibilities when it comes to trust.
I am sure that there are no right or wrong answers. In fact, a lot depends on certain circumstances within each couples marriage. (Within biblical principals of course)
With each generation, certain things have become more and more of an issues. What was once kept behind closed bedroom doors is now publically displayed in the way we dress and the way we speak outside of the bedroom.
What was once only conversation for ones husband (Okay and the gossips of the town) now has a much broader platform. THANK YOU SOCIAL MEDIA.
I'm not going to harp on any one of these issues as being "wrong" in and of themselves. As, I believe that everything has it's time and purpose. I do however want to ask you one question.....
Can you be trusted? Not just on the outside. Not just for a few minutes.... Can you truly be trusted by your husband.  Forget your girlfriends, your children, your Sunday School class. Ask yourself that one question while placing yourself in your husbands shoes as we continue through this for the next few minutes.

When my husband and I were first married, I was very hot tempered. If he said something I didn't like, There was one place I took everything.... FACEBOOK.  Every time we had a disagreement, he had to work one of his long 7 days a week, 12 hr shifts. Literally anything he did that I didn't like. (Same things he did that I doted over when we were dating.) Went on Facebook.
Eventually it started to drive a little wedge into our marriage.  He'd stop talking to me. Wouldn't tell me how his day was at work, spent most of his days in the garage...... And again I found comfort in Facebook and other sources.
This went on for almost 2 years. A vicious cycle.. 
Why? I had easy access to Facebook. I prioritized social media over my marriage and my husband.  Why did my husband stop talking to me? Because he could no longer trust me.
If I stopped for a moment and placed myself in his shoes, I wouldn't have trusted him either. I wouldn't have wanted to tell him anything I thought, did or even dreamed. Why would I tell him my future goals. I mean.. If something that was only meant for his ears was potentially going to end up in front of a whole audience of strangers just because he was "bothered" with me..
Is that a problem for you?
I know it is for many, many ladies. We fall into the trap of "nobody to talk to" and grasp at straws hoping that someone will listen on social media.
The problem is, someone always is listening, watching... Your husband is.
Are you raising him up? Or, are you tearing him down by posting every little issue on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or whatever other social media platform is there?  Are you tearing him down to your friends and neighbors?
Even if your husband isn't seeing or listening, God is.  Who's getting the glory in what you are saying and doing each day?

I know there certainly wasn't much scripture here. But, when I read these 2 verses the rough patch that my husband and I went through because of my foolish desire for approval from people who do not matter.
In so doing almost costing me my marriage.
Please, don't make the mistake that I made. 
Strive to have the heart of your husband safely trusting you in all that you do.  It's work. But, God wouldn't have it in there if it was impossible. 

"But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26

Bre Shafer

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

"Vacation Bible School Night One"

SUCCESS!!! Summed up in one word.
WOW, what a night.  The willingness and open hearts to learn was amazing.  And the heart and spirit of the evening was just...... WOW, is all I've got.  Well, Besides a lot of pictures.
And, I am going to leave it at that. The pictures sum up the fun of the evening.
The teens enjoyed shooting marshmallows with their "marshmallow guns" . Which is what they are doing in a few of the pictures. As well as what my husband is doing.
The one picture is of my little mans class (Joshua Jr) playing their outdoor games.
And of course the last picture is both of my children ready of VBS.

Please continue to pray for all of us as we continue this week.

Galatians 6:9
"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

Bre Shafer

Sunday, August 6, 2017

A Day Spent In Gods House

As we close out yet another Sunday, I thought I would share a little bit of how our day has been.
Ups and downs as usual. Serving God is never promised to be a smooth day. And our days usually represent that just fine. LOL

We started by getting up and around early enough to get to Sunday School on time.
By the time we got half way to church (15 minutes away and still 15 minutes away from church.) I realized we had not given Leah any of her morning meds. Since one of her meds is a blood pressure med, the dose cannot be skipped or it could be very dangerous. So, back home we go. 
By the time we got all that squared away and back to church. We had missed Sunday school. STRIKE ONE. But one can only look at It in a positive way. What may have happened had we continued on our path this morning? Was God protecting us from something? Or, was there a lesson to be learned? You know, like PLAN AHEAD BETTER!!😊

Morning service went well and was a message that both Joshua and I will be putting into practice as we strive to "train up our children".  Little man who's been learning to sit during church had a rough morning in his class. A little too active shall we say?

Through the afternoon we had a few more rough issues and back to church. This time with grandma. :) Which the children loved.  And Leah DID NOT want to go to nursery tonight.
Do Sunday's usually go like this? NOPE. But, today was one of those days.
We are not perfect. No day is smooth sailing. And I just wanted to show that we are not that perfect put together family. But, even in the midst of a rough day with one issue after another.... You can and should keep going.

Our series on "The Godly Wife" is going to be put on hold until Friday. (Unless I find a few extra minutes before then.) Vacation Bible school is starting this tomorrow and this week is going to be a mad house.
I will share as many pictures as I can.

Following is a few extra pictures from today.
The children had their first motorcycle ride today. (only past the building and only as fast as you can walk.) But, they were thrilled.

Leah's Church Outfit today. (Her hair was done.) WAS being the key word.

Joshua riding the motorcycle with daddy.

Leah riding the motorcycle with daddy.

Praying you had a blessed weekend.

Bre Shafer

Saturday, August 5, 2017

"What Is My Worth? (The Godly Wife Pt 2) "

 Yesterday, I spoke a little bit about the order of the home and becoming a "Help Meet" to your husband. Perhaps jumping the gun a little bit, considering the direction I plan on taking this series. (I say plan very lightly. Knowing that God can take it in any direction He so chooses.)
Today, I want to want to start in Proverbs 31. Perhaps the most well known passage to Christian ladies. But, the least understood passage alike.  I am not going to claim to understand this passage any more than the next person. However, I am going to go on a journey to understand this passage one verse at a time and I invite you to join me on this journey.

Proverbs 31:10
"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."

What does Virtuous mean?  Strong's concordance sums it up as "good morals or Strength." In other words, we as the "Weaker Vessel" are supposed to be Strong with good morals. Strong in our faith with good character and set in what we believe.  (There are many other definitions and I encourage you to dig deeper.)
I think we all have a pretty good picture of what "Virtue" is. And that idea in our head will continue to grow as we continue our search through the chapter.
What I really want to focus on here is the last portion of the verse.
"For her price is far above rubies."  What does that mean to you?
I think most of us, if we stopped to think about it, would stand in awe. Right?  I mean, really stop and think about the power of those words.  We as women have fought to have as many rights as man has. We've fought to be able to work, to join the military, to vote, to wear what the men wear. You name it, if a guy can do it. A woman can now do it too. 
What started that?  A woman who thought she had no worth. A woman who wasn't happy in her home, doing what God intended her to do. She felt worthless no doubt.  (Granted we don't know if she was saved. And that plays a huge role. ) Ultimately I am not talking about her. I am trying to make you think about YOU.
A great majority of women today are unhappy with themselves and feel as if they are not doing enough. We tend to feel like we are failing at life because we are always "stuck at home". Doing nothing but talking to babies all day or changing diapers.
Did you know that according to the ADAA (Anxiety and Depression Association of America) in August of 2016. Anxiety disorders were affecting 40 million Americans (which is roughly 18% of the population) and women are TWICE as likely to suffer from anxiety and depression disorders then men are? And those are only the reported cases. I can't tell you how many ladies I know who are afraid to see a doctor because of the stigma that goes a long with it.
Do you really think that is how God intended it?  Do you really think God intended for us to be so depressed and upset with our daily duties that we just feel like we can't go on? 
Society has made us feel like our place is no longer in the home. Those of us who do stay at home and take care of our families are made to feel like we are brow beaten wives of slave driving husbands. And often we let that get to our heads.  The shows on television are no help. Often portraying the husbands as idiots or slave drivers.
Ladies, may I remind you that YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH MORE THAN WHAT THIS WORLD SAYS YOU ARE.  You have got to pick yourself up and start over. Pull yourself up out of your slump and throw yourself at the feet of Jesus.
You have to remember Psalm 16:8
"I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."

Who are you serving? This isn't the worlds house. You are serving in Gods house. This little (or large) dwelling place here on earth is Gods house. Every little thing you do is for God. Even if it seems like you are alone and everything goes unseen. You still serve a risen Savior who sees every step you take and every item of clothing you fold, every diaper you change, every dirty dish you wash. He see's it all.

Dear sister in Christ let me remind you of your worth. You truly are worth more than great riches here on earth.  You can't be paid here on earth with cash, or coins. Their wouldn't be enough to meet your worth.
Smile, look up and not down. You have no reason to be ashamed. When someone asks what you do, look them proudly in the eye and tell them "I am a stay at home wife/mom." You've earned that title. God gave you that title. You have no reason to bow your head in shame because the world ridicules you. They are the ones that should be ashamed not you. Let them look on in awe as you serve your family and our God.

Philippians 4:6-7
"Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 
And the peace of God which passeth all understanding , shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. "

Bre Shafer

Friday, August 4, 2017

"What Is Your Roll In Your Home As A Godly Wife?" pt 1

The question was recently posed in a group I follow how ones husband "refuses to lead the home." the wife had come to that conclusion because she was the one teaching the children the bible during the day. What followed along in the comments really got my wheels turning in my head.  Most ladies came to the same conclusion, (their husbands were not doing their God given duty to lead the home because they {the wives} were being left to homeschool, do morning devotions, discipline while the husband was at work.) And they felt that by doing all of that during the day, that automatically made them the "spiritual leader" of the home. 
I must say I was shocked by the general censuses here in a Christian group of ladies. And with that being said, I want to take a few minutes and share my thoughts. (If I am wrong, Please feel free to share your thoughts kindly in the comments. Backed with scripture please if you can.) 

There is a specific order that God designed for the household. And it has to be followed for the home to be run smoothly.

Gen 1:27
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him..." 

Right there you see the order in which they were made. God was already here. God made man in who's image? He made man higher than the animals. He certainly didn't look at the wandering tigers and say he created them in his image. He created MAN in his image.

Man needed a help meet. NOT someone who was above him to tell him what to do or to be the leader.  A help meet.
Genesis 2:18
"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."
Strong's concordance explains Help Meet as coming from the Hebrew word Azar which means "help". 
Webster's Dictionary defines "help" as (give assistance or support).  or (to make more pleasant or bearable)
Wow, How often are we actually a true biblical helpmeet to our husbands? 😕  Not just a help meet by this worlds standards.  What is a help meet by this worlds standards anyway? Is there even such a thing? Looks to me like more often than not marriage is nothing more than roommates with a marriage certificate.

How can you be a biblical Help Meet to your husband?  Let me just throw out a few off the wall ideas that have worked for us and others who have been married WAY longer than myself.  I encourage you to leave your ideas in the comments as well.

{1} Have your husbands work clothes sitting out the night before. (Trust me, even this small gesture will seem huge.)

{2} Be dressed and ready to meet him when he walks in the door. (Yes even if he works 2nd or 3rd shift) I understand it's sometimes impossible with young children in the home. However, the days you can't will make the days that you can all the more special. After all how much effort did you put into readying yourself to see him?  Try it and watch his eyes sparkle. (Okay, it may take a few times for him to notice. After all, they don't notice EVERYTHING. )

{3} Don't bombard him with how horrible the children were, how rough the day was, or how much money just went out the window with bills as soon as he walks in the door. 
Sure, you've had a rough day as well. I know that. Yes, you want a breather. But, do does he. There is a time to relax. A time to talk about the stresses of the day. It's not as soon as the door opens and he walks in. Greet him with a kiss and a smile. Encourage the children to do so as well. (If you have children.)

{4} Be available.  We've grown accustomed to a society full of technology. We always, have a phone in our face, computer open or headphones in our ears. Even if it's something God honoring that is on we can still be forsaking our God given duties as a wife. Does your husband seem stressed or unusually short tempered? Perhaps he has something on his mind but we aren't available enough for him to feel comfortable enough to open up and talk about it.
We can so easily shut our family out (especially our husbands) without even meaning to by becoming lost in our own little world.
And if technology isn't your thing, maybe it's books, journaling, or anything else that you are into.

{5} Love on him. Don't be afraid to love on him. Yes, he may be one tough cookie. He may seem like a gruff bear. But, I promise every guy on the inside turns into a teddy bear. (This is for the newly weds) If you've been married any amount of time I'm sure you have figured this out. If not, TRY IT.

I am so not done on this topic. But, I feel like I have touched on enough for today. I know what I touched on today didn't help with where I started at. By the time I am done with the series of posts, hopefully it will though. God took this in a different direction after I had planned out a whole many thoughts and verses on Proverbs 31. So, I'm sure someone needed this and this is where we went.

Have a blessed day friends and may God bless you all.

Numbers 6:24-26
"The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. "

Bre Shafer

Thursday, August 3, 2017

"Does Take The Meat and Spit Out the Bones Apply to the Bible?"

Have you ever noticed how you can mention any kind of an opinion on Facebook, Twitter or any other type of Social media outlet and as long as it's a liberal opinion you are set to go. You can watch the "likes" and comments climb. Sometimes in a matter of minutes. However, post anything that goes against the flow of society today and not only don't you get those "likes". The comments you are getting are down right hateful. Why? Because the bible teaches Christians to be "all loving and non judgemental." (or so they would have us to believe.  And in a sense that is correct. (Again, that is for another day and another post. :) )
What I want to talk about for a moment is this idea of only obeying a portion of the scriptures. And ignoring the rest.  
Why do we even do that? Oh, and yes I said "we" look in the mirror. I'm sure everyone of us can pinpoint at least one area in our lives where we have slacked for one reason or another. Maybe it's in forgiveness (because lets face it, Forgiveness isn't easy. )  Or in how we dress, church attendance.... Any number of things.  It doesn't even have to be drastic.  In a Christians life we look at the outside world and judge by the homosexuals and the alcoholics and all of the drastic sins (which certainly do require talking about). While hardly ever stopping to take a look at our own sins.  Inadvertently (or on purpose sometimes) taking what we want out of the bible, and doing away with the harder portions for us to live out.  
How do we ever expect a lost and fallen world to listen to us if we won't even take all of Gods word and obey? If we can't obey the very words of our Lord, we certainly can't expect a fallen, unsaved world to believe that they should. Right?
Matthew 7:3-5
"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brothers eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 
Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

The Bible talks a lot about changing Gods word, or taking away from Gods word. But, there is one passage in particular that I am going to use tonight.  And that is Revelation 22:18-19
"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
And if any man shall take away from the words of this book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. "

YIKES. That should answer any questions about spitting out the bones. Right?  But, what bones are there anyway?
Doesn't the Psalmist say that His words have been purified as by fire 7 times?
Psalm 12:6
"The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in an earthen furnace, purified seven times."

WOW, Have you ever seen silver be refined? Let alone 7 times?  I dare you to look it up on youtube. Or even find someone nearby and watch it done. It's pretty amazing.

If we want to be a good Christian example for the unsaved around us, as well as live out the scripture WORD FOR WORD.  We need to first get to know the word.
John 1:1
"In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. "

Do you have an in depth personal relationship with God?  You can't live out every word that He spoke if you don't first get to know Him, and have the Holy Spirit living within you.
The Word won't even make sense to you unless the Holy Spirit speaks to you. and you need Him living inside you.

I feel like I wandered a little off topic on this one. But, hopefully I stayed close enough to topic to still get the point across.
Stay blessed my friends.

Bre Shafer

"Do You Know Where You Will Be After You Die?"

How You Can KNOW That You Are Going To Heaven

The Bible tells us that we can know that we have an eternal home in Heaven.

I John 5:13 – “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life…”

1. Realize That God Loves You

God loves you and has a plan for your life.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16

2. Realize That You Are A Sinner

Our sins have separated ALL of us (including you) from God.

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” – Romans 3:23

God made man in His own image. He gave man the ability to choose right from wrong. We choose to sin. Our sins keep us from God.

3. Realize That Sin Must Be Paid For

“For the wages of sin is death…” – Romans 6:23

Wages means payment. The payment of our sin is death and hell, separation from God forever. If we continue in our sin, we shall die without Christ and be without God forever.

4. Realize That Christ Died To Pay For Your Sins

All of our sins were laid on Christ on the cross. He paid our sin debt for us. The Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross, and He arose from the dead. He is alive forevermore.

“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” – Romans 5:8

5. Receive Christ By Faith As Your Personal Savior

You can pray and ask Christ to save you…and He will! It is not the prayer that saves, but believing and meaning it in your heart. A Sinner’s Prayer: “Lord, I know that I am a sinner. If I died today, I would not go to heaven. Forgive my sin, come into my life and be my Savior. Help me live for you from this day forward. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” – Romans 10:13
If you would like to discuss this or you have questions feel free to message me. I would love to hear from you either way.

Bre Shafer

" Will You Be The One?"

Mark 16:15
"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

Mission work is often defined as long periods of time spent in foreign countries witnessing to others and winning people to our Lord. We often assume that since we can't go across the seas to another country that the next best thing to do is to stick a check in the offering plate as its passed in front of us on Sunday morning. (I'm by all means not saying to hold back your ...tithe or even your offering.)
What we fail to realize is that there is a whole mission field untouched surrounding us, if you would only open your front door (and your eyes).
Have you spoken to your neighbor about Christ? Or do you just expect him/her to see Christ in your every day walk? (would your neighbor even be able to see Christ in your everyday walk if he tried? But, that question is for another day.
As a born again believer, each and every one of us has a God given duty to present the gospel to our neighbors. Who is our neighbors? EVERYONE. Anyone who is not in your home. Anyone who you come across is your neighbor.
I encourage you to have a pocket full of gospel tracts (or a purse full) and pass them out wherever you are. I can't tell you how often I have handed them out at a drive through window, to a cashier or even to the mail man.
Yes, you may get told "no". It may get tossed back in your face. But, you know what? You did your part at that point. You planted a seed. They may look back further down the road and remember that and go looking for someone else who has the good news to share just because you TRIED to give them something. So, don't get discouraged. Keep going if you are already doing this. And if you aren't. I encourage you to give it a try. You will walk away blessed as well.

"In a world full of broken dreams
Where the truth is hard to find
For every promise that is kept
There are many left behind
Though it seems that nobody cares
It still matters what you do
Cause there's a difference you can make
But the choice is up to you

Will you be the one
To answer to His call
Will you stand
When those around you fall
To take His light
Into a darkened world
Tell me will you be the one

Oh sometimes it's so hard to know
Who is right and what is wrong
And where are you suppose to stand
When the battle lines are drawn
There's a voice that is calling out
For someone whose not afraid
To be a beacon in the night
To a world that's lost it's way


There are still some battles
That I must fight from day to day
Yet the Lord provides the power
For me to stand and say

Yes, I'll be the one
To answer to His call
I will stand
When those around me fall
I will be the one
To take His light
Into a darkened world
I will be the one"

Bre Shafer