Saturday, January 4, 2020

Living Life Happy.

Happiness goes so much deeper then a smile on ones face.
Have you ever met someone who wasn't really smiling, but you could tell they were genuinely happy?
Or, have you ever met someone who was smiling, yet you could tell that the joy just wasn't there?

We all have battles. We all have our daily struggles. Some worse then others. But nonetheless real and strong.
The difference comes in how we handle our problems. Our we handing them over to God and renouncing the evil in our lives?
Are we praying over everything that we come into contact with? Or, are we just really hoping that tomorrow is better than today was?

Hope doesn't get us far without prayer and action. Being joyful is a choice. It doesn't come naturally.

Depression comes naturally.
Sadness comes naturally.
Passing blame comes naturally.

But "Joy"? That comes when we are purposeful about seeking God, finding the blessings in everything that happens. And sometimes hanging onto Jesus' garment by the hem, because that's all we can humanly muster at the moment.

I've been medicated for 8 years. Heavily medicated. Not just a pill here and there. But, 4-10 meds a day, depending on when my meds were changed and what they were changed to. I felt like an emotionless zombie most days. Other days I was so afraid of people that I couldn't even open my blinds. And a text message that said just the right thing threw me into a spinning web of terror.
I went from a Bipolar diagnoses, to mood disorder unknown. To "all we have left is PTSD".
I claimed each new diagnoses as it was given to me and a new med change soon followed. All leaving me in so much terror that I ruined every relationship in my wake.

Why do I mention all of that?
Because, I CLAIMED each diagnoses. I didn't want to be told that it may just be a matter of me seeking more for God. Or accepting His joy in my life.
The first time I read a book on spiritual oppression, I was skeptical. In fact, I was more angered that I was given that book in the first place.
I didn't go for counseling to get a book that talked about spiritual oppression. In fact, I was pretty sure that spiritual oppression was a hoax.
But the more I read. The more compelled I was to try. The first day in November when I went without meds I remember tentatively asking God to give me the victory and renouncing the Spirit of fear, depression and anxiety. I was so skeptical that it work. Yet, I made it a whole day without depression, fear or anxiety.
The first time I saw a car go by slow and almost stop is when the fear hit again. "Was it someone coming to take my babies?"  "Was it someone coming to carry out a threat?" As I watched that car, I decided not to run back and hide in my house, I CHOSE to stand there and almost Chant to myself "You have not given me the spirit of fear. You haven't given me the spirit of fear."Almost incessantly. I was amazed at how claiming victory and a sound mind took my mind off of that fear. And within a 10 mins, I was feeling "normal" I wasn't fearfully peeking through my blinds, hoping that the car didn't come back.
I wasn't rushing my children into the house so they could play there instead of outside.
Instead, I was calmly making dinner with music on and not at all worried.

You see, when I claim depression, fear or anxiety and claim it as my own, I invite and even strengthen the strong holds. Making you smile on the outside and hiding from terror on the inside. One of the worst ways to live is not being able to find Joy in what you are doing. Not being able to find the good in each day, because you have handed over your life to oppressed by a Spirit. And sometimes many different Spirits.

Joy is a choice. Claiming victory is a choice.  Claiming Gods promises is a choice.
Joy doesn't just come by wishing for it. I had to make a conscience choice to choose joy over depression. Peace over fear...….

I dare you to find what it is that is holding you back today and claim joy in your life.


Thursday, January 2, 2020

Vote or Don't.

Taking part in politics is not something I do. And this may even be a controversial blog post. But, that's okay.

Twice I have voted. Once in a presidential race. And once in a race for local officials.  The first time when my candidate one back in 2012. I felt nothing. I didn't feel as if I had done anything wrong. But, I didn't feel I did anything right either. God still had a ways to work on me.
The second time was a different story. I didn't feel comfortable with what I was doing. But "proudly" went anyway.
I had let public perception and society shape my actions.  Again, my candidate of choice won. And each step of the way I have been so ashamed to even say I voted for her.  As I have watched her do things that she didn't even outline. But, shouldn't have been surprising.

You see, we live in a society where it is totally acceptable to exercise your freedom, as long as you do it by voting.
If you exercise that freedom by staying home from the polls, you are seen as ANTI-Bible. Or condoning the WRONG candidate. (Who is different in each voters eyes) But the fact remains.... If you don't vote, your reasoning does not matter.
We live where it's not okay to exercise your freedom if others fought for your "right" to vote.
Women fought for our rights as women. So "How dare you not take advantage of that in the polls." Or "Men and women are dying to protect our rights as American citizens. You must make it matter."
We live where it's okay for a man to be immoral, a cheater, and so many more horrible things, and a Christian will vote for that person as long as they don't advocate for abortion. (Or there may be other reasons.) But, a man/woman can be Anti everything that God stands for, and we will vote for him/her and call that person "blessed by God'

I try to run my actions through Philippians 4:8

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

A man can claim to be a Christian. May even show up in good churches every once in awhile. But, this is where it becomes so important to judge the fruit.
Do any of these candidates meet Philippians 4:8 qualifications?

Why did God appoint Saul as king? It wasn't because it was what God wanted. The people forced Gods hand by continual begging.
They wanted a Strong king who would lead them.  God wasn't good enough for the Isrealites. They were already off worshipping other gods. Wood, stone and other graven images. (Isrealites seemed to like to do that when things didn't go their way. )
They decided that God wasn't good enough to lead them. It would have taken more faith than they wanted to put into their lives. They wanted everything visable right away.  The gods weren't even living or doing any good. But, they insisted on having those gods because it was something they could see. It would take faith to listen to a prophet and believe that he had spoken to God and wasn't leading them down the wrong path.
It took less faith to sit back and have to do nothing other than wait for a king to be appointed. They wanted someone who would be okay with their actions and they knew that God wasn't.

We aren't too far off from the Israelites. We demand, push and beg for an unrighteous man to be in office. Instead of praying that Gods will be done.
Instead of praying for Gods will, we decide to justify a mans actions and decide who is less evil. Figuring that if it is LESS EVIL than that person must be righteous enough to lead our country.
We forget that if we were to line everything up with Philippians 4:8 that not one of these candidates would be on a Christians radar and we certainly wouldn't be comfortable with voting and standing behind that person.
Just the opposite.

We need more people to sit back and beg God to save our country. God alone can save our country. God alone can lead us to where He wants us.
But, we need to give us our faith in a finite man. We need to get down on our knees and beg God for His guidance. Beg Him for forgiveness for the men and women we have stood behind who have been nothing by evil.

May I remind you that we are NOT citizens of this world. We are ambassadors for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let that thought take you where it will. And follow Gods prompting. Just because someone died for your right to vote, does not mean that it's right.
Remember the one who died to give you life and run with that. Let that be your leading thought in all of life.

 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;

 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him."
2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Bre Shafer

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Purposeful Marriage

I'm back. It's been awhile with some things going on. But, here I am and praying God uses what I have to say to encourage someone else or even uplift them. 

To newly weds (when I was a newly wed) still in the honeymoon phase, this seems like such foolish advise. I mean as a newlywed, all you want to do is be with your spouse. And who would dream of going to bed without a kiss? I mean it’s new, you’re so “in love.” (Which is a feeling at this point.
Now, more then 8 years in, I understand that love is so much more then this uncontrollable “lust” for my husband. More then just wanting him close and never wishing to say goodbye or be out of his presence.
More then 8 yrs in, I realize how easy it is to crawl in bed next to one another at the end of the day and forget to kiss one another, or forget to say “I love you.” As the effects of the long day wash over you and you fall asleep.
Mad at one another? No! You just become so USED to one another that you take one another for granted!
Love becomes work! A purposeful choice to show love! Not just a “lustful” feeling of romance!

What are some ways that I can be purposeful in my "LOVE"?

#1- Meet your husband at the door with a kiss.

#2- Say "I love you" through out the day.

#3- Plan a weekly date night. (Even if it's just putting the kids to bed a bit early and enjoying some time in devotions, movie, or games.)

#4- Set aside a time to talk. Asking questions such as "what can I do to help you better?" "Is there anything I am or am not doing that you would like me to do?"

#5- Purposefully say "goodnight" And give a goodnight kiss each night. (Tomorrow is not promised. )

If you have more ideas, I'd love to hear them in the comments.

Bre Shafer